With us you’re family

The Metropolitan Seattle Sickle Cell Task Force does more than just provide information and build awareness. We work together to provide programming that is great for the whole family.


  • Introducing the Sickle Cell Transition Strong Video Project, where adult Sickle Cell warriors share their wisdom and tips to guide young adults into adulthood. Hear they reflections on managing health, gaining independence, and what they wish they could tell their 15-year-old selves.

  • The Sickle Cell Hub is a 3-bedroom house located in West Seattle that provides permanent and temporary housing to those impacted by Sickle Cell Disease in our community.

    learn more

  • Our annual Sickle Cell Walk/Run/Bike is our largest frundraiser of the year. During the event we elevate the experiences of those living with SCD and rais money for our programs.


  • Transition Camp for 18+

    Register Here

  • The Sickle Cell Task Force is working in parternership with Camp Korey to host the Sickle Cell Youth Camp Aug. 6th-10th

  • Do you have Sickle Cell or care for someone with Sickle Cell? Need a family/personal getaway?

  • In partnership with Belltower Counseling the task force is aboe to provide 10-weeks of indivdual, famil, or group counseling.


  • The adult retreat is reserved for those with Sickle Cell ages 21+

  • This scholarship program is for those who have Sickle Cell Disease and are interested in pursuing any form of higher education.

    We are so happy that you are continuing your journey!

    Apply Here


  • A collection of resources to understand Sickle Cell Trait.


  • BDFW supports all blood disorders with patient assistance and advocacy.

  • is a Web-based resource that provides patients, their family members, healthcare professionals, researchers, and the public with easy access to information on publicly and privately supported clinical studies on a wide range of diseases and conditions.


Pfizer’s has recently announced the withdrawal of OXBRYTA ® (voxelotor) from all markets for the treatment of sickle disease. We’re closely monitoring the situation and working with partners to gather accurate information to share with our sickle cell community. At this time, we recommend that you talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns and before making any changes to your treatment. It’s important to get official updates through your provider, whether in person, a phone call or via MyChart.


Want to learn more about our services or have questions about resources? Contact us!